
Tuesday, August 07, 2007


People fail at life. Or at least people fail at living. At least half of the people I genuinely knew I don't know shit about any more, and honestly yes, I blame alot of it on drugs. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't do drugs, because if you can read this you're not retarded enough to not know that already. But seriously, I believe that drugs like alcohol or THC, the kind you can recover from, are acceptable in small and infrequent doses. But when your life becomes consumed by them, when you're no longer doing them casually but instead they become a goal, an end to your efforts, then you've lost yourself, because if you spend the majority of your time outside your natural state of mind, then what is your state of mind? Alcohol? Cocaine? Marijuana? Whatever you're using, when you're on it you're not yourself, and if that thing you become envelops what you used to be, then you're no longer you. Since I'm sure I'll get flamed for this one, let me fortify my standpoint so you know who I am and where I'm coming from, without knowing my life story that is. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't intend to, but I'm not going to tell you not to. Your life is yours, as it should be, and so are your choices- obviously. But I'll be damned if I'm not going to bitch about addicts, because addicts need help, and they're the only ones who don't know it. Now my aunt (this isn't my life story, shut up) was a heroine addict, long story short she's had over 11 children, the oldest being 18 but she didn't have a job until she got on rehab- last year. Drugs fuck you up, thats what they're supposed to do, so at least you're getting what you pay for. But when my best friends stop calling, stop answering, stop doing much of anything that doesn't include some kind of drug, then as much I hate to say it, but I really can't call them my best friends if I really never spend time with them. Now in the interest of keeping blogs funny I admit some addicts are hilarious. Lets take my friend whom we'll just call 'the Russian'. I could probably write a full blog on him alone but instead I think I'll just make this hyper link and note that the video to this is what the Russian watches to calm himself, and yes, its very very disturbing, but in a good way. Oh, and the guy died due to complications that occur when your internal organs get punctured, strangely enough.
PS My middle name is Rey, to keep a promise I made to someone.