
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Selfish kids, and by that I mean most adults.

You'd expect competition and self gradification in a society based on capitalism- but honestly I always hoped that it would stop with money, someone should kick me in the face everytime I think. Nearly everyone I've met would sell out a stranger to protect what they hold dear- even if all thats at stake is a fucking Twix(as delicious as they are). Now those are just generalities- but seriously, when was the last time you thought, what am I going to do for fun? Or, god damn that's so unfair? Ok, how about the last time you considered how many people were sleeping out in the cold(or heat) while you lay in your home, on your bed, staring at your cealing at night? Yeah, dont kid yourself buddy. Now am I claming to be jesus- certainly not on open access blogs, and in this case I'm sure I'm not much cleaner than everyone else- but hey, this is a blog, its my job to chew people out while these fingers are moving right? So I appologize, and you can go fuck yourself. Moving on, or rather, moving back, I realize just how good we have it here, and I mean we in general, even us poor kids living in their mother's basements(theres some ammo for who ever needs it against me) because we truly can make something of ourselves simply based on effort. The point is, sincerely, that no matter what happens to us, if we can still breath, stand up, and use our minds and bodies, we've got it better than alot of people, because as long as you've still got that, you'll always have another chance- no matter how much money you lose, or how many scars you pick up along the way. Insert random profanity here.


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