
Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Debate is some crazy stuffs, Imma tell you about saturday.
So I had this debate tournament saturday, so I'm like, yay! I get to get up at 6 in the morning on a saturday... o.O ok... so thats not the good part ^_^. Any way, so I get up and at 6:45 I call my girl friend to wake her up because she has a chem lab and after that she is also going to debate. Moving on... so I wake up late, at like 6:30 and I'm like "fuck" I need to take a shower still... well... "fuck that" no time, I shave and throw some water in my hair and I'm out the door. My mom dropes me off at the school where the bus crowded with debators wait. I bord the bus, at this time I was still playing with my tie cause I somehow manage to forget how to tie them everytime I have to, so I'm sitting there, and I'm listening to Jer and Mike and some kid that resembles my brother and I swear is on some serious anti-depressant medication, are engaged in some lame ass conversation about star trek... yay, I get to listen to this conversation the entire bus ride there... any way, I'm like, "wow it's 7:15" last time I tryed to go to a debate tournament I arrived at 7:15 and bus fucking drove away with out me, any way, the reason for our lateness today is fangalang, he pulls up in his civic(which is gay btw) at 7:16ish and he looks almost as bad as I do. Any way, so aside from the gay fact that the bus waits for fang and not for me, me being subjected to jer, mike's and especially the fucked up kid's lameness, now I'm heading to a debate tournament into an event that I've never done before, and only practiced once. Any way, I get there and lo and behold MJ didn't put my name on the list, this is the 2nd fucking time, fortunatly Garma failed to show up, so I just take her place, any way, it's 9 something now, less than 2 hours until cissy arrives, so I figure I'll just hurry up and fail and then wait for her.
1st round:
So I get into my first round, every one of us are 1st timers in impromptu except for this kid who claims that he's done it 3 times, so I'm like, well, I'm screwed, that is until I saw this kid perform, yeah, to put it bluntly he sucked more cocks than twinkies in jerry's stomach at any given time, and to put it un-bluntly, he fucking sucked so fucking much that I knew I was going to kick everyone's ass that round, even though he was going first. So the 2nd girl goes, she thinks she knows what she's doing, based off of her shows of empathy for the 1st time kid whom had no clue what he was doing yet somehow sounded, and made better points than the "experienced" guy, point is, this girl sucked the most out of any one there. So after the people have gone I go up and I get as my quote "the greatest conflict is not between two people, but between one man and himself" I'm like, hell yes! So I take my 2 minutes of prep time and then I start presenting, my first two topics are pretty irrelevent but then I get my third point and I give a kick ass sermon about nepoleon and how he was great and all but that his ego created his own demise, it was kick ass, the judge started smiling and shit, I was like, I kicked your asses, but I didn't really say that, any way

2nd round: Ok after my awesome first round I wait around forever until their finally ready for my second round, the extempt team took 30minutes longer in the room than I had expected(if they had the same judge I did, I know why o.O) the judge was absolutley insane, everyone thought he was on meth or something, here's why; So I walk up to the front of the class room to start my Impromptu, the judge just looks at me and I'm like, "dude, give me my topics" he's like "which ones, I'm like, "dude, you give me those three topics right there and I choose one" he's like "oh... in my first round I just let them do whatever" I was like o.O... any way... I get my topics, I don't remember what my choices were but I choose "morning" I give some pretty good speal on how morning is a symbol of hope, using some referance to northern areas where night lasts a long time, my first two points are decent, my last one sux really really badly so I walk off the spot light with a "oh fuck me" feeling, well, my 1st opponent steps up, his topic of choice is the "piano" now he knows his shit on the piano and such... but he obviously has no clue on what he's supposed to be doing because the only thing he does is give us a lecture on the history of the piano, I'm like "fuck you dude" except I didn't say that, but I should have, I knew he was going to win that round, I fucking knew it, even if it wasn't the way impromptu is supposed to be done, mr. meth was going to give him 1st place just because mr. meth has really bad ADHD and thus awarded it to him because he could talk for a long time with out making any one think too hard, fuck that. The next opponent gives a decent impromptu, I figure she might beat me, but I thought most my points were better since she really only had one point that she repeated 3 times. Well... after this girls turn the judge just stands up and is like " I can hold still for very long" and he starts running back in forth, literally running, then he jumps onto a table and walks back and forth on that, I'm like "wow... this guy is fucked up" and then he sits down and expects the girl who's turn it is to go all normal... she trys to, but while she's taking her prep time, the fucking judge starts talking to the people and acting like a fucking 5 year old, he grabs a random text book from the room, takes it to the front of the class, and pretends to be a teacher(I wonder if he can read...) he's talking during someone prep time, what a shitty judge. Any way, the girl finally decides to go, she delivers a decent performance, makes us laugh any way cause she makes really poor connections and really only has one point ^_^... and the last guy sucked really badly... his topic was truth, and he was like "the truth is something in the worth that is... that is... is... that is..." I'm like *whisper loudly* "fact" he's like "ahh! Fact!" and I'm like... ok... I better beat this guy ^_^... well that done and said, I think I was given last that round... fucking drug addict judge... o.O
Well at this point cissy shows up so everything is good =D

round three: I get to round three late, oh well, can't win em all, cissy comes in to watch, the lame ass judges droped her from the tournament because she missed one round, that's the gayest thing ever because now she can't go to state, even though she was at the fucking tournament! Fuck that! any way... The third round is ok, the two people that went before me didn't seem to have much as far as points go; my turn comes up and I give an ok first point, an abstract 2nd point that I could have connected later, and a shitty 3rd point, I could of resolved my 2nd point after my 3rd one and ended on a good note, except that the judge that I have happens to have a really bad habit of announcing the amount of time remaining instead of holding up his hands, I just finish my 3rd point and he says out loud"5minutes gone" and I'm like "..." "..." "... I guess I'm done" I drew a complete blank after he said that... well after him is one more guy who manages to tell a story most of his time and then fail to connect it to the topics he presents, I think he wins the round though, just because he sounded like he knew what he was saying, and I think thats all this judge was paying attention to.

Over all, I get 3rd place and some time with my girl friend, definantly can not complain considering that it was my first time in that event... now I have to do it at state though o.O... in conclusion, time with girl friend = great thing. shitty judges/drugged up judges = 3rd place


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