
Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Ok, I know I promised you all that my next post would be on camping, but ya know what? I'm feeling lazy.
So what the hell if the fucking problem with society? Simple, it's people. I've concluded through hours of strenuous thinking that if people would just go away then there would be no problems with society. Well now here come the skeptics that are like "u fucking tard, if there are not fucking people how do you make a fucking society, jack ass" ok, well assuming that thats the most common responce I'll get, I'll formulate my reply, ok... *thinks* fuck you and your fucking logic? Yeah I think that'll do. And thats another thing; logic is so fucked up, I mean, logic in itself isn't even logical, as humans we try to rationalize everything, well tell me where the logic is in finding out how animals and shit reproduce, there are people dying from aids all over the fucking world and yet these scientists are like, "monkeys are very cool, they show talents that make them cool, and they can do sign language sorta, my monkey can even swear in sign language. What else can he say? well actually now that I think about it thats all he can say in sign language but at least they're cool." wtf, I mean if we have time to teach little monkeys how to spell and talk w/ their hands why the hell can't we cure cancer or something that might actually do something for us? I mean what are we going to do w/ smart monkeys? Make an army with them? Thats another thing, what is the deal with the military, why the hell do we devote so many of our resources to killing each other, thats something I'd expect from ants, then again what are but ants? Mindlessly droning our lives away in our pointless society, sure, we can get rich or become famous, but what does that amount to? What is the point in being rich if you're not happy? Why then hell do you want to be famous? So you can get harrassed everytime you go outside? Fame is worthelss unless you want to promote something, and even then, whats the point in that promotion? Look I realize this blog has lost all of it's humor, but honestly, I just don't get why people have to make a system that works so badly.


Blogger Fang said...

Um... I dunno if it's just me, but I find you and Cissy a strange couple... Kinda like, how Satan and Saddam was a strange couple. Yea. Monkeys rock, but fighting is an inevitable part of man. Peace is impossible without someone to enforce it somehow.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Shadowteer said...

But why? Yes I realize that man is doomed to kill themselves, but I ask you why? Not whether or not it is true. Why are we so imperfect that we can not look past the tiny differences that we so vividly squabble over, and realize just how much we all have in common? Every person is a person, and the theory is as simple as that. It's true that not everyone is going to agree on a single theory, a single religion, or a single way to live out their lives, but why can't we let them do just that? Live out their lives. Even if we have conflicting interests we shouldn't destroy those that aren't the same as ours; you say that battle is necessary to secure peace? perhaps civil action against individuals or organizations within a country, but why a war? It could be argued that we must go to war because we don't have a choice, because the other side would go to war with us whether we would or would not want to, but why is this the case? The other side is formed by people too, if we could all just realize how much alike we are, and respect each other, then neither side would have to kill each other. I realize that this is not the way the world works, I'm not asking you if it does or doesn't work this way, because I know that it doesn't and likely never will. It would just be nice to know why the most brilliant species of our world is the one destroying it, and itself.

11:03 PM  

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